Stress And Its Effects On Young People Today
Stress is pressure or tension exerted on a material object. It is also known as "The Silent Killer." Stress is known as the silent killer because it can cause heart disease, high blood pressure, chest pain, and an irregular heartbeat. Stress not only causes that, but also causes acne to worsen and hair loss. Stress is also linked to six of the leading causes of death, which are: heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, and suicide. Stress is very dangerous.
Stress has made me overwork myself and lose sleep a lot during my freshman and sophomore year. The things that stress me out are projects, tests, service learning, keeping up my grades, trying to keep my parents proud of me, and getting all my credits. These six things have caused me to lose sleep and concentration. I always have to force myself to do better than I am doing now. Nothing is ever good enough, which is very stressful to me. Then I end up breaking down and crying because of all the stress I have. I just wish that what I do is good enough for everyone.
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